29 de junho de 2020

key words

palavras chave que adorei no nosso quarenteners date

- eu amo banana

- vou querer um beijo

- tenho minhas idéias mas estou aberto a aprender novos pontos de vista

- cannabis é cura, se vem da natureza, poxa, confio

- fala mais, me conte

- te compreendo, isso é verdade

- precisa continuar ?

- imagina todo assim camada por layer

- ainda vamos fazer essa trip, vc vai ver

- seria um sonho? seria sim

eis que sonhos tornam-se realidade

keep dreaming

"best date of 2020, June 2nd"


15 de junho de 2020

100 pressa

ta tranquilo

vai com calma

q td acontece na hora certa

so quero viver nossos sonhos

temos tao pouco tempo

14 de junho de 2020

pq gostei tanto de vc

que doideira

eu ja te conhecia antes

mas nunca me havia passado pela cabeça

nada sobre nós

até que um amigo em comum citou sua doçura (?)

fiquei curiosa

aí sem querer combinamos


de repente


um vinho

conversa fluiu de forma gostosa

adorei te ouvir

ainda mais pq disse que AMAVA BANANA

vc me compreendeu e isso me enlouquece

falamos sobre maconha

vc tbm gostava

yum, que perigo



aí meu mundo explodiu

enquanto aquele encaixe perfeito de nossos lábios acontecia

na minha cabeça tocava a música (nossa, que absurdo)

ambos da zn, estudamos juntinhos quando novinhos

e vc citou uma bela música/poesia pra mim, ainda naquela época

gostei de te ver formado, adulto

porém com o mesmo olhar e sorriso daquela criança que conheci na 7a série

esse sentimento também influenciou meu coração a se derreter por vc

homem lindo, grande e gostoso

macio, delicioso

era meio que tudo

que eu queria

fiquei tão apaixonada

amei tanto

que mudei da noite pro dia

pra melhor

minha melhor versão

pois sei que mesmo que não seja exatamente você

fiquei feliz ao encontrar

o que sempre sonhei

e esse sentimento

me colocou

em uma posição

que eu nem sabia que existia

por isso

só tenho a agradecer.

por me libertar

e eu mesma

por te amar.

aconteceu em uma TT - 02/06/2020


9 de junho de 2020

L & L

L O V E .

now ill express;

what I feel

how I fell


we met when we were young

school together

8th grade

you've taught me a song that I still recall

beautiful letter

by then

you had a girl

i had a boy

we lived our lives separately

i never even thougth about anything, really.

until I met a mutual friend of ours

we talked about you

I mean, he have mentioned you

he said how romantic you were and

that he remembered me telling you "I do what I want".

it sounds cute how you were

a smooth nostalgy emotion reckon me .

I went to you FB and smiled at your pics

beautiful smile

big man,



few days later,

we match.

you said:

"Olhaaaa elaaaa"

we talked for a while,

you've shared you ctc card

"we have known each other enough for you to have my phone"

little chat for 1 day

next night I'm offering you a wine

we had to drink in my car

during quarantine in Brasil

I found out you live pretty close

yea sure, we met in a neighborhood school

that was nice

you still look the same as 7/8th grade

same voice

very cute eyes ...

you love BANANAS s2

I give u a mask as a gift

we talk deliciously

I'm loving it all

we smoke 1

that u got get in your car, and you roll so sexy

we agree in many things

omg is delicious

im all wet, of course.

can't help.

then you melt me completely;

when you turn to me and say:

"Ah, vou querer um beijo"



what was that?
Am I alive?
Is this real?

my mind is singing: "nossa, que absurdo"!


fucking completely delicious kiss

maybe i fuck up the moment for a while

kind of worried because everything is sooooooo damn good

we are in the streets, nighttime, drinking in my car

and i ask to change songs.. whatever.

we continue to love

I am in love already

but I'm in days of red

so we can't deeply continue at that moment...

I go to the back sit to have a sip

we kiss again

so perfect

you go to the back sit with me

we love w/ clothes on.

your body, all of it

I wanna dance on you.

youre beautiful, hot and kiss so well.

smokes weed, write well, agrees with me, likes to listen, graduated... just all good, all I needed...

you thank me for the moment of distraction ...

I thank the whole multiverse for what I am feeling

TKS GODdess !

but then we really have to leave

we gotta pee...

and we gotta continue another time.

i get home at 2am

can't sleep

just thinking, loving, imagining

searching for motels

making playlist

movie lists for us to watch togehter ...

I go


in love


you've overcame (almost) everything I've seen and experienced ...

I want you like - I really want you

I mean

I've been out trying so much

and loving in many ways

I just wanna live a love story with you too

that actually inspired me for so much

I've changed in this week.

I've became better

because I loved

I've dreamed. wished.

my best version


I've grew ...

we met before
we've talked
we've loved
we've done
we've lived

regardless of the future

here I am

registering a moment

a feeling of my heart

for you

a story

Lari Love's Diaries

so delicious

i've pictured a whole future together

cuz I can't stop dreaming

such a dreamer

but dream by dream

the right ones

always become true

you're one of them


good you didnt feed this intense passion so crazy like me''

cuz i'd go literally insane

i've cried


for reaching this feeling

omg I haven't felt this way



tks for a new discover/

for now

I Love you/

(L) (L) (L) (L)

{ exactly one week ago }

hora são, fim de março 2.4

Enquanto nos despedimos do mês de março sob o olhar sábio do dragão no Japão, o Brasil começa a doce manhã de Páscoa em sua plenitude. Viva!...