28 de janeiro de 2022

a bem soada

como soa?
ah, bem soada!

saideira do mês de janeiro

tudo bombando, o coração, a mente 

faculdade em pauta, qual das duas, como?

o que quero, posso.

tenho e sou fortuna 

a rifa me fortalece e conecta ainda mais

hoje inicio um novo ciclo

from inside out


for the first time

the moment is coming

tomorrow ill be different

and the weekend seems delicious

amazing things coming in abundance 

the magic has started yesterday

and it has transformed me since always

today i've seen the changes

approved in many universities

started a class

hopefully will be sleeping in my studio

for the first time

loving him, loving them

traveling in many ways

im becoming

my goddess, divine lifestyle

investing all of my time 

in love


keep on loving






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